"Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn't know until you lived through it. Honor your path. Trust your journey. Learn, grow, evolve, become, heal."
Forgiving yourself for not knowing something is can be one of the hardest things to do. But, it is one of the most extraordinary acts of self-care I have done.
· It means letting go of all the reasons why you shouldn't be doing something.
· It means taking steps to make sure you avoid making the same mistakes twice.
Forgive yourself for being wrong instead of telling yourself that you aren't smart enough or capable enough. Appreciate all the things around you instead of telling yourself that you aren't good enough.
Living a life of purpose is a journey. A lot of times, we are stepping into unknown territory. Sometimes it's scary, and it can also be exciting because there is always something new to learn and discover. No matter what scares or excites you most, make sure you turn everything for yourself because you are off to something great.
Take a breath, relax, and look around to see where you are right now.
· Are you enjoying this new, unfamiliar perspective?
· Are you finding the steps easy?
· Are your fears behind you?
Maybe it's time for a bit of perspective adjusting.
The journey is where we find ourselves. Although at times, it is also where we need to be destroyed, crushed, beaten down, and manipulated by people who have more power than us. But the journey doesn't have to be this way. We don't have to let fears take over or destroy us. Life can be beautiful and full of wonders if we choose to look within instead of allowing outside forces to define who we are. What if we could decide how we feel about our journey instead of being forced to endure?
As you see, life is full of uncertainty – but it also provides us with the opportunity to face those uncertainties head-on. We have the choice, as individuals, to walk down a different path – a better one. Whether or not we choose to is up to us. What we don't do has real consequences. The choice to stay in your comfort zone and accept the things that hold you back isn't always the best one. It is up to you to determine if you're willing to go through with it. Fight against your fear, embrace change and progress and learn to recognize the good times as well as the bad ones.
Life isn't always fair. It isn't always about how hard you work or how smart you are. Sometimes life chooses people whose talents are less than ideal, and it pulls them down, and that's OK. It's actually a blessing. It opens new doors for you to discover who you really are. Living your dreams requires sometimes taking that walk on the dark side of life, cutting loose when things get hard, stepping away from the safety of your routine for a while.
"Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next.
Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer."
- Denis Waitley
Mistakes happen. We all make them. You don't have to be too hard on yourself. Just pick yourself up and keep going. Sometimes, life may not always be fair to you, but you can always choose to make it better going forward. Things happen. We've all been there. Don't let it get you down. It happens to the best of us. The important thing is to focus on what's next and let go of the past.